by Tom Vollaro
In my ten years as a UX designer, I have used many user interface prototyping tools, ranging from paper and pen, to Microsoft PowerPoint, real code and everything between. These days I tend to rely heavily on PowerPoint to aggregate mixed media such as scanned sketches, screenshots and output from other prototyping tools like Balsamiq. There has been an explosion of UI prototyping tools recently and I have tried many of them. I am fairly hard to please, however I recently came across a new player in this space that impressed me with its balance of simplicity, flexibility, usability, features, and price: Indigo Studio from Infragistics. Indigo Studio runs on Mac AND Windows and the file format is compatible between the two versions. In this video I highlight some of the basic features and show examples of a recent project I used it on. How much does it cost? Version 1 has been free until recently. Version 2, which was just released with the iOS pack and other features has gone up significantly: US$495/user/year. But if you buy before October 31, 2013 you can get it for $99 with the promo code INDIGO42Q.