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    « Inspiration from the past at CHI 2011 | Main | Method 15 of 100: Misuse Scenarios »

    June 30, 2011



    Thanks for the interesting post - Ive not used PowerPoint for this kind of prototype.

    I basically use Fireworks for the same kind of thing, but it has more limited animation options, which can be restrictive, although hotspot creation and html output is quick and easy.

    It seems like PowerPoint could be useful for anything where animated feedback is needed to get the point across.



    Thanks for the interesting post - I've not used PowerPoint for this kind of prototype.

    I basically use Fireworks for the same kind of thing, but it has more limited animation options, which can be restrictive, although hotspot creation and html output is quick and easy.

    It seems like PowerPoint could be useful for anything where animated feedback is needed to get the point across.


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