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    « The Tangible View Cube | Main | Going Viral »

    March 25, 2009


    "One of the biggest mistakes that organizations can make is to assume that consistency with specific rules is always the right. Sometimes it is better to be inconsistent."

    I belive consistency is a gread method to improve #ux and #usability. But it shouldnt never be the goal.
    If there are is a situation in which a different different methods suports the goal UX better, this should be used.

    I agree that this thinking isnt very popular. That why I like writing like this and to change thinking :)

    "These are all great goals, but there is a problem with the consistency mandate – consistency is complex, multi-dimensional, and sometimes at odds with other important goals like usability."

    "One of the biggest mistakes that organizations can make is to assume that consistency with specific rules is always the right. Sometimes it is better to be inconsistent."

    Autodesk missed both of these concepts when they implemented the Ribbon into Revit. This consistency is certainly affecting usability and performance.

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